搬迁 管理

你的公司是否计划搬到新办公室或在同一栋大楼内更换楼层? 或者你的公司完全搬到了偏远的地方,终止了你现在办公室的租约? 管理与办公室搬迁相关的许多移动部件可能会让人不知所措. 

在KGO, our office relocation management team will guide you through planning, coordination and execution of your transition.

Moving to a new office involves many time-consuming tasks. These include purging items that are no longer needed, packing and shipping valuable items, 评估家具, and decommissioning the office space. 所有这些都必须在继续保持公司高水平生产力的同时得到照顾. Because office relocation management can get complicated fast, you need an experienced team of specialists.  

我们是华盛顿特区、巴尔的摩及其他地区办公室搬迁管理的专家. The KGO team collaborates with companies to build relocation timelines, identify necessary support and, 最重要的是, provide a seamless move for your staff. 凭借我们的专业365买球, 您的公司将适应您的新空间,并尽量减少对您日常工作流程的干扰. 


Day-to-Day Moves, Adds, and Changes

提供专门的现场搬迁经理,主动管理正在进行的搬迁, 增加了, 和变化, 包括员工, 家具, organizational restructures and restacks.

Major 搬迁 Projects

我们不仅提供协调,还为客户提供材料和365买球,使每位员工为所有行业的搬迁做好准备, renovations and headquarter restacks. We take the lead in the move schedule, 预算, vendor procurement and 家具 coordination, move supervision and post move support.

Fixtures, Furniture, and Equipment (FF&E)管理

Our experts specify new 家具, inventory existing 家具 for reuse, and develop space plans to align with your organization's goals. We manage 家具 procurement, 监督安装, and coordinate all punch-list items through post move occupancy.

Let’s start with one project.

Planning an office relocation can be extremely complicated, especially when you are coordinating employee relocation for a large team. 搬迁专家简化了这个过程,让你的团队在新办公室取得成功.  

办公室搬迁专家负责你搬迁的每一个方面. This empowers your team to maintain a sharp focus on your own work. From hiring movers to inventorying 家具 for reuse, 我们的搬迁专家在整个过渡过程中为贵公司提供支持. +, we keep you informed every step of the way.  

When you partner with KGO for office relocation management, our team becomes an extension of your real estate operations team. 这使我们能够:  

    • 评估贵公司的所有组成部分:我们会制定最符合贵公司利益和目标的办公室和员工搬迁计划  
    • 协助评估现有家具的再利用:这为您的搬迁节省了大量的成本, while maintaining your objectives and productivity. 
    • 提供清晰和简洁的沟通:你的员工总是被告知搬迁,并提前做好充分准备. They may even have a little fun on the way! 

我们的团队能够在贵公司办公室搬迁的各个阶段为贵公司提供支持. 以下是您可以利用的搬迁管理服务的几个示例:  


O办公室搬迁很快就会变得复杂,因为在很短的时间内有很多工作要做. 在搬迁专家的支持下,您将确保搬家前的任务没有遗漏. +, 如果在整个搬迁过程中出现意外情况,你可以放心地得到专家的支持.  


Companies don’t just move into a new office space on a whim. They often move because their former space no longer serves their needs. We work with you to find out what was missing from your previous office, so we can craft a space supporting the work you need done. 通过识别有用的技术或为独特的功能定制不同的空间, we help you build a workplace that suits your company objectives.   


Furnishing an office can be a major investment, 所以我们会评估你现在的家具,并确定你的新空间需要什么. This allows us to use what’s already available to you, so you only invest in pieces you absolutely need. As a result, you reduce waste and save money.   

此外,新办公室的家具将对团队的生产力产生重大影响. Our experts specify new 家具, inventory existing 家具 for reuse, and develop space plans to align with your organization’s goals. We manage 家具 procurement, 监督安装, and coordinate all punch-list items through post move occupancy. 


为了协调一个成功的办公室搬迁,你需要一个值得信赖的搬家团队. 我们的搬迁专家将与您一起确定在搬迁过程中可能需要的任何特殊支持,以确保文件或技术的安全. 然后,我们将合作聘请能够满足您需求的搬家公司. 

We use a seven-step process to plan, execute and finalize a relocation.   

    • Pre-move coordination: After a project kick-off meeting, we prepare a master project schedule, 搬家清单, 文件迁移计划. 每个参与的人都将知道发生了什么,何时发生以及他们在行动中的角色. 我们与您现有的办公室和新空间合作,确定看似微不足道的细节,如停车地点和使用哪部电梯. 
    • Furniture Coordination: Next, 我们的搬迁专家将清点现有家具,并与您一起确定哪些家具可以重复使用. If any existing 家具 will not be relocated to the new space, we will arrange for the items to be donated, 回收, 或处理掉. 
    • Employee Engagement: Throughout the entire relocation process, we maintain communication with you and your team, so everyone understands their role. This will include writing and distributing move guidelines, 进度会议, and packing demonstrations. 
    • 供应商协调:我们将为搬迁所需的供应商准备rfp, 比如搬运工, then work with you to select vendors.  
    • Packing: We ensure everything is packed, labeled and ready to move. 
    • Move Supervision: When it’s time to move, we focus on getting everything to the right place, so your staff can easily unpack and get to work. 我们在起点和目的地都提供搬迁专家,以确保无缝体验. 
    • 搬迁后支持:KGO提供一个帮助台,在搬迁后的日子里为您的团队提供支持. Should you have any issues connecting technology or locating any items, we are with you every step of the way. 

Transitioning into a new office space is challenging, especially when you’re tasked with a massive employee relocation, downsizing an existing office space, or safely shipping special equipment. 作为搬迁专家,我们的工作是让您的团队尽可能轻松地完成搬迁.  

我们有足够的经验和365买球来制定一个全面的办公室搬迁计划. 然后, throughout the execution of this plan, our relocation experts act as trusted representatives to your team. We work on behalf of your company’s goals and unique office needs.  

Should any hiccups arise throughout the relocation process, your relocation experts can identify the best solutions. There are many moving parts to consider when moving your office, including societal factors like supply chain delays and economic inflation.  

我们的搬迁专家分析经济动荡时期所带来的挑战,并提出最佳解决方案,帮助您的团队节省资金,避免延误. We will handle the work of identifying problems and developing solutions, 因此,你可以简单地选择最符合你的预算和目标的途径. 

最终,搬迁专家会帮你顺利过渡到新地方. 在我们的支持下, you can continue focusing on your primary business objectives, with minimal staff interruption and limited downtime.  

Once you have committed to moving your team, 是时候咨询一组搬迁专家,开始规划过渡了. 尽早让一个搬迁管理团队参与进来,可以确保你的公司按时搬迁,并拥有实现目标所需的一切. 你给你的搬迁专家越多的时间来计划你的搬迁,越好.   

Still have questions about office relocation management? 

如果你需要支持计划和协调你的办公室和员工搬迁到一个新的空间, 我们来谈谈. Through sharing your business goals and workspace priorities, 我们的搬迁专家将向您展示我们如何在您的过渡期间为您提供支持. Get in touch to hear our plan for getting your team, 家具和设备按时搬进你的新办公空间,生产力损失最小.